Call for Submission of Proposal Audit
Closing date: 19 June 2018, 16:00
Project “Strengthening National Biodiversity and Forest Carbon Stock Conservation through Landscape-based Collaborative Management of Cambodia’s Protected Area System as Demonstrated in the Eastern Plains Landscape” (CAMPAS) is Calling for Submission of Proposal Audit.
CAMPAS Project is funded by GEF Trust Fund and aim to improve the sustainability of Cambodia’s national system of protected areas, with the complementary objectives to mainstream biodiversity into production forests and promoting conservation of carbon stocks.
The project is delineated into two main components:
Component 1: Strengthened national vision and support for landscape-based protected area and forest management.
Component 2: Integrated landscape management to safeguard forests, biodiversity, and carbon stocks in the Eastern Plains Landscape.
Interest firms must send its proposal ( 1 Original and 1 Copy ) in a sealed envelop to H.E Somaly CHAN ( NPD ) or Mrs. Bopreang KEN ( NPC ) through the contact address as indicated in the TOR by 19th June 2018 at 4:00 pm. In addition, the electronic proposal is also recommended via Email:
Only short-listed candidates will be notified for further process. The submitted documents won’t be returned.