Project Title
Strengthening national biodiversity and forest carbon stock conservation through landscape-based collaborative management of Cambodia’s Protected Area System as demonstrated in the Eastern Plains Landscape (CAMPAS project)
Improve the sustainability of the Cambodia’s system of protected areas, mainstream biodiversity into production landscapes, and promote conservation of carbon stocks’.
To enhance Cambodia’s protected area management effectiveness and secure forest carbon through improving inter-sectoral collaboration, landscape connectivity and sustainable forest management system of protected areas, mainstream biodiversity into production landscapes, and promote conservation of carbon stocks’.
Expected Outcomes
- Strengthened national vision and support for landscape-based protected area and forest management
- Integrated landscape management to safeguard forests, biodiversity, and carbon stocks in the Eastern Plains Landscape
2. Dissemination Workshop on “Vulture Conservation and the Impact of Vulture Pollution” on 3rd September 2021
11. Roosting Site Preference and Roost Ecology of White-shouldered Ibis in Cambodia (draft)
10. Report on National Development of SMART in Cambodia- Challenges and Solutions
9. Sustainable Finance Mechanisms for Cambodia Forested Areas in Cambodia
8. Poster on Gender and Biodiversity
7. Guide on Gender Mainstreaming
6. Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Strategy (2017-2020)
5. Baseline Assessment and Analysis on Gender Policy for CAMPAS project