Project Title
Removing Barriers to Invasive Species Management in Production and Protection Forests in SE Asia_ FORIS
Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are the 2nd biggest threat to biodiversity after habitat destruction. In Southeast Asia (SE Asia) IAS are adversely affecting locally and globally significant biodiversity, and are invading and threatening forest habitats, species and their production capacity, as well as, indirectly, the livelihoods of millions of people depending on forests for food, commodities and energy security. Countries in the region recognize the need to implement Article 8 (h) of the CBD to mitigate the threats of IAS in SE Asia.
This GEF project aims to enhance the capacity of four pilot countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam) to manage IAS, particularly in forest ecosystems, by strengthening existing national frameworks for the prevention and management of IAS. A multi-sector approach will be used, as well as fostering regional information exchange and capacity building between countries, specifically targeting the prevention and biocontrol of ‘shared’ priority invasive species, being of particular concern because of their negative impacts on production systems as well as forest biodiversity.
Project Goal and Objectives
The overall goal is to conserve globally important forests, species and genetic diversity within SE Asia.
The project objective is: “To manage SE Asian forests and biodiversity sustainably by reducing negative environmental, economic and human health consequences of invasive alien species”.
Project Components
The project comprises of five technical and two project management components.
- Component 1: National policy and institutional frameworks
- Component 2: Regional cooperation
- Component 4: National pilots on the prevention, control and management of priority forest IAS
- Component 5: National information and awareness programmes
- Component 6: Monitoring and evaluation and
- Component 7: Project management
Expected Outcomes
Main Outputs for Component 1:
1.1. National multi-stakeholder coordination mechanisms for cross-sectoral invasive species management
1.2. National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan agreed
Main Outputs for Component 2:
2.1. Regional IAS Biocontrol Working Group established including development of Action Plan for biocontrol of shared IAS
2.2. Strengthened/developed regional IAS tools for improved management of IAS including databases/website (APFISN) and regional IAS Identification Guide
2.3. Strengthened regional IAS learning network and information exchange mechanisms, including short-term project staff exchange between countries.
Main Outputs for Component 3:
3.1. National IAS training programmes developed and implemented for different stakeholders (e.g. policy makers, scientists, quarantine officers, extensionists, etc.) (limited in Cambodia and Philippines based on funds and needs)
3.2. Provision of equipment and material support to quarantine departments, border crossings, etc. (only Indonesia)
3.3. Support to expanding national capacity in research and related fields (project staff in Cambodia and the Philippines will not attend international meetings)
Main Outputs for Component 4:
4.1. Pilot sites established in each country through effective local partnerships, ecosystem management plans developed and implemented and EIAs undertaken, if required
4.2. Pilot IAS management implementation – maps of distribution of target species produced for each pilot site, testing of at least three control/management strategies at each site, habitat rehabilitation showing increase in biodiversity from baseline, followed by dissemination of results
Main Outputs for Component 5:
5.1. Development of a national IAS database based on surveys to document presence and impacts of selected forest IAS (limited in extent in Cambodia and the Philippines)
5.2. Regional standardized communication strategy with national activities and regional targets.
5.3. Undertake comprehensive national and regional awareness/communication campaigns, including development and dissemination of awareness material (limited in Cambodia and the Philippines)
Main Outputs for Component 6:
6.1. Establish and implement Project M&E Plan
6.2. Develop and implement pilot site monitoring plans to show improvement in biodiversity and socioeconomic levels from baseline
6.3. Changes in (national) awareness levels monitored to show increase in IAS awareness across all sectors
6.4. External audits
6.5. Midterm review (UNEP independent study)
6.6. Terminal evaluation (UNEP independent study)
Main Outputs for Component 7:
7.1 Project administration and implementation infrastructure
7.2 Detailed project planning
7.3 National and international project coordination
7.4 Financial management
7.5 Reporting